Sunday 4 October 2009

Nice lazy weekend

It has been a most pleasant weekend...spent mainly entertaining friends, shopping and walking. If you dear reader are one of the dear friends of whose company we had the pleasure...thank you for the good conversation and laughs and I hope you have got over the wolf mask incident LOL

Also this weekend was the first time I washed the Doxie-mobile. :o)

I have had another driving lesson since my last post...nothing extreme to report...just that I am loving it as ever. We concentrated on manoeurves and I think I am beginning to get this parallel parking lark. :o) I have also been out on the Doxie-mobile driving around the local area...I negotiated some new roads in the dark and sussed out dipping my lights etc. I had a bit of a treat one night as a family of deer stood in the road ahead of me. I just stopped and let them go in their own time...they didn't seem scared which in itself is scarey...I hope they are not too "used" to traffic.

Life is good and I feel quietly content.

Hope you are fine wherever you are.

Doxie :o)

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