Wednesday 20 July 2011

Hey, you're not a bird!

When I was coming in from the garden a few days ago I thought I saw something slide down the tree trunk by the back door... I took another look but could see nothing and put it down to 'morning eyes' not yet focusing properly...imagine my surprise a few minutes later when I was doing the washing up and saw this sight from the kitchen window!

isn't he sweet?

I think he is either a Woodmouse or a Yellow Necked Mouse. We had YNM living in the attic a few years ago, but I couldn't see if this little fellow had a yellow necklace on or not. Whatever he is, I thought he was adorable. Every now and then he would stop and eye me suspiciously but he stayed quite a while with me watching him out of the window, so I guess he wasn't that scared...and he let me take some pics with the snappy camera, so he was a brave little chap!

It's so nice to know that even in the hustle and bustle of suburbia, wildlife still finds a way to survive :)


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