Tuesday, 30 June 2009

DS yodeler of the future perhaps?

Lucky DS is off to Austria. He is so excited as it is a last minute surprise. :o) It's funny how things work out... not only has a spare place come up on the holiday, the spare seat is next to a family friend who was going to be sitting next to a stranger.

It's not only a surprise for DS but for Mr and Mrs Doxie too. What will I do with myself all week? I am sure I will think of something LOL...I just hope we have the house put back together in the next few days so I can get my sewing machine out on the table again...At the moment it seems that every flat surface is buried and there are just goat paths through the rooms downstairs...who'd have thought that the contents of a kitchen could spread so far!

We should have been putting it all back together tonight but rain stopped play...kind of thinking it would be a good idea to invest in a gazebo...at least we could still chop wood etc outside when it rained then!

Note to self, when we move, priority = erecting a workshop...then rain or shine we can battle on. :o)

Doxie, making plans for all that me time!

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