Trying my hand at upcycling...
This is a dress I bought at full price a couple of years ago and never wore because it is the most hideous cut you have ever seen. I suppose I should have taken a photo of my body in it so you could see what I mean... but believe me, I can't think of any shape fat or thin that could wear I have taken the halter part off and will try and save the rest by making a top or shortie Summer dress.
The boob part was way too sloppy...if you had been the size to fit it, the under-boob band would not have fitted and below that band you would have had to had a pot belly to make the stomach area have any shape at all and not just hang like a shapeless baggy it isn't suitable in my opinion for a stick or a tree trunk or even a preggie lady.
I bought this top in a charity shop, it says Next Woman inside. It was way too big and a very chunky unflattering cut around the top...I am wondering if Next Woman is a maternity range as it said size 12 but was
way bigger than a standard 12 in my opinion. I bought it with the view of chopping it around a bit, at £1.99 I thought it was a gamble I could afford to loose as the fabric is rather yummy and could easily be made into something else, especially as it is lined too.
My enthusiasm could wane a bit seeing as the weather is due to take a turn this week, but as long as I get to wear them at some point over the Summer I will be happy.
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